
北京十三中下学期高一英语Unit21 人教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

北京十三中下学期高一英语Unit21 人教版 课件北京十三中下学期高一英语Unit21 人教版 课件北京十三中下学期高一英语Unit21 人教版 课件北京十三中下学期高一英语Unit21 人教版 课件北京十三中下学期高一英语Unit21 人教版 课件
北京十三中 GOALS Talk about body language Describe gestures and facial expressions Practise making offers and requests Learn to use the –ing Form(2) as Subject, Object and Predicative Write an imaginary storyLISTENING AND LISTENING AND SPEAKINGSPEAKINGfacial expressions and body languageWhen we want to communicate with others,besides words,what can we use?Victory!Look at the picture above,do you know what did his gesture mean?Who is he?BackDo you remember following pictures? What do these pictures mean? A B C D Econfusedangrysadhappytired“I’ve lost my wallet!’’I can’t believe she said that!’’That is so unfair’“I’ve got an A in maths!’’“I don’t know what to do .’’“It’s been a long day.I can’t keep my eyes open.”Part1 1.what is the correct answer to the question asked on the tape?A B C D2.Tom was probably____the party.A. Enjoying B. not enjoying C.leaving D. not leaving3.The customer said “I don’t want to talk’’by _____A. avoid eye contact B. Lifting her handC.covering her mouth D. frowning√√√Part2 1.The boy puts his finger over his mouth. This may mean that he is_____A. telling the truth B. not telling the truthC. feeling sad D. angry2.A person who is interested in what you are saying will_____A.lean back B.lean forwardC. lean to the left D. lean to the right√√ SpeakingSb is late for a flight and wants to go ahead of the queue.How could you offer help?situationAn old and sick person is on a crowed bus and wants to sit downAn old man is carrying a very heavy suitcaseHow could you ask for help?Could you please help me?Would you like some help?Could I please go ahead of you?Shall I help you with that?Could you help me with that?Is there anything else I can do...

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