be invited to a ball … but…. borrow … from … have a good time… on their way home … buy a real diamond necklace for…work hard ten years …pay off their debts at last…in the park…not recognize… because…much older than her age … happen to her in the past ten years…. be worth 5 hundred francs at the mostRetell the story with the help of the followingMathilde: Pierre: Jeanne:a young lady, pretty but vaina government worker, not rich but ambitiousa young lady, rich but warm-heartedPersonality of the people:What do you think of Mathilde ?A. A vain (虚荣) woman B. A hard-working womanC. A greedy (贪婪) woman D.A pretty and rich womanPossible endings1.They decided to go to Jeanne and asked for the real diamond necklace. And Jeanne took pity on them and returned it to them.2. They decided to go to Jeanne and asked for the3. Mathilde felt still very excited and angry. She decided to get back the real diamond necklace but her husband stopped her doing so.real diamond necklace. But Jeanne refused.5. Hearing the story,both Mathilde and Jeanne quarreled with each other. Soon they became mad.Possible endings4. Hearing the story,Pierre felt still very excited and angry. He decided to get back the real diamond necklace, but Mathilde stopped him doing so.6. Mathilde was very sad when she heard that. ”Dear me!” Then she fell to the ground.When she stood up, she kept on laughing and saying ”Necklace”. She was mad at last.8. Jeanne was so moved that she took Mathilde home and gave her a lot of money. With the money, Mathilde and her husband started a new life and lived happily. Possible endings7. When Mathilde heard what Jeanne had said, she simply couldn’t believe her ears. The...