1. 我妈妈总是把所有的东西都收拾得很整齐。 My mother keeps everything in good order all the time.2. 在别人面前炫耀是很不礼貌的。 It’s rude to show off before others.翻译下列句子。3. 我很有耐心地给他解释了这个问题。 I was patient enough to explain this problem to him.4. 不要对别人的秘密好奇。 Don’t be curious about others’ secrets.5. 小孩总能想出奇怪的点子。 Kids always come up with strange ideas.sculpture n. 雕塑 , 雕像sales department n. 销售部race n. 竞赛 ; 赛跑lead n. 领先地位 ; 榜样high-speed adj. 高速的pioneer n. 先锋 , 开拓者surgeon n. 外科大夫partner n. 搭档 , 伙伴1. born adj. 天生的 e.g. Langlang is a born pianist. 朗朗是个天生的钢琴家。2. praise n. 赞扬 , 表扬 e.g. He won praises for his modesty. 他以自己的谦虚赢得别人的赞扬。 3. general adj. 总的 ; 普遍的 ; 首席的 e.g. the general manager 总经理4. connect vt. 连接 e.g. Connect the computer to the Internet. 把电脑连到英特网上。5. standard n. 标准 e.g. high standards 高标准6. carelessness n. 粗心 careless adj. 粗心的 careful adj. 细心的 carefulness n. 细心 Tell us something about your best friends.Match the first parts on the left with the second parts on the right to make complete explanations. Write the correct letters in the blanks.1. A creative person ___ a. has lots of energy.2. An active person ___ b. does not talk much about his/her abilities.3. An energetic person ___ c. can produce something new or a work of art.4. A modest person ____ d. can plan his/her work well.5. An organized person ____ e. enjoys taking part in different activities.6. A patient person ____ f. can wait without getting angry.Keys: 1-c 2-e 3-a 4-b 5-d 6-f1. What is Wu Wei?2. What was Su Ning’s last job?He is a born artist.An accountant.Listen to the article and answer...