Bird-eye View on the Rare Sunny Daysunrise Why were dead kings given these objects after they died?weapons tools clothing money Articles for daily life jade articles silk jewellery pottery china Servants warriors wives of emperors Animals etc. copper knifegold earringsarrowheadclay potA cushion stoneA Bone Pinjade articlesGrave Terra-Cotta WarriorsLater onEarly stagesRead Para.1-31.The grave dates back to around 2300AD.2.He was buried on his right side with his face to the south.3.Buried with him were the tools of a hunter or warrior.4.Copper knife would have made him a man of distinction.5.A cushion stone lay next to them. The man could work metal upon it.BC left northFFT FTwo gold earringsT Read Para.4-5Choose the answer:Why is the discovery important? The reason is that _____________.A. His grave is the richest of any found from that period.B. The two gold earrings buried with him are the oldest gold found in Britain.C. It shows that he was a member of a powerful class who may have organized the construction of Stonehenge.D. All of the aboveD Read Para.7What gave the King of Stonehenge a high status in the eyes of local people?The fact that the King of Stonehenge came with the skills to make metal. Archaeologists now believe that people in the Bronze Age had trade and cultural links with other parts in Europe.Country or part of EuropeMaterial or objects of tradegold jewellerySpain and Western FranceartefactsEurope Copper,bronze,copper knivesSome places far from England