I’m more outgoing than my sister . Section AThey are twins.Lily is taller than Lucy.Lucy is shorter than Lily.3LucyLilyYao Ming is taller than Jordan.Jordan is tall.Yao Ming is taller.quiet内向的Wu Yi is quieter than Tan Jiexi .武艺谭杰希 谭杰希比武艺外向得多。quieterwild 鲁莽的Grey WolfHappy Goatcalm 镇静的Grey Wolf is wilder than Happy Goat . Happy Goat is calmer than Grey Wolf..calm down 冷静下来,镇静下来When we are in trouble ,we should calm down and find out the solution.The Yellow RiverThe Changjiang River is longer than The Yellow River.The Changjiang River6211km6211km5464km5464kmfunny serious严肃的Zhao Benshan is funnier than Bai Yansong .--funnier--more serious Bob is heavier than Tom. BobTomTom is thinner than Bob.Liu Huan is fat.Fei Mao is fatter.Fei Mao is fatter than Liu Huan .Zhao Wei’s eyes are bigger than Zhou Xun’s .Zhou Xun’s eyes are smaller than Zhao Wei’s .biggersmallerathletic强健的-more athletic成龙.Jackie Chen is more athletic than Xiao Shenyang.小沈阳funny serious严肃的Bai Yansong is more seriousthan Zhao Benshan. --funnier--more serioustallthinlong haircalmwildshort hairheavyshort141b Listen and number the pair of twins [1-3] in the picture.123Is that Tara?No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tara’s shorter than Tina. And she is calmer than Tina.16-er/-ier funny funnier smart smarter quiet quietermoreoutgoing more outgoingathletic more athleticserious more serious 2atwins is…funnier__________________ is…________________________TinaTaramore outgoingmore athleticmore serioussmarterquieterLet’s talk about the differences between Tina and Tara.How are Tina and Tara different? Fill in the charts.SamSamTomTomsmarttallathleticquietthinfunnyIs Tom smart than Sam?No, he isn’t. Sam is smarter than Tom. Is Sam taller than T...