响应面分析法优化乳酸菌发酵鲢鱼下脚料水解液的研究摘要:采 用 乳 酸菌 (Lactobacillus)发 酵 鲢 鱼 (Hypophthaimichthys molitrix)下 脚料 水 解液,通 过 响 应 面 分 析法优化其最佳的工艺条件。结果表明,优工艺条件为蔗糖添加量 1 .80%、乳酸菌接种量1.97%、发酵温度42.23 ℃、发酵时间 43 .04 h ,水解液感观评价均值能达到 92 .02 分,该水解液具有特殊乳酸发酵香味和风味,酸度、甜度适中,口感良好。关键词:乳酸菌( Lactobacillus);发酵;鲢鱼( Hypophthaimichthys molitrix)下脚料;响应面分析法中图分类号:TQ921 +.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439- 8114(2013) 17-4175-04 Optimization of Lactobacillus Fermentation of the Hydrolysates of Silver Carp By-product by Response Surface Methodology JIANG Sheng- tao 1,2 ,LIN Biao -sheng 1 ,CHEN Li-min 1 ,LAI Xue -lian 1 (1.Longyan University,Longyan 364000,Fujian ,China ; 2 .Ningde Normal University,Ningde 352100 , Fujian ,China )Abstract: The Lactobacillus fermentation of the hydrolysates of silver carp by -product was studied and the technological conditions were optimized by response surface methodology. The results indicated that the optimal technological conditions were as follows, sugar concentration 1.80% , seeding amount of Lactobacillus 1.97% ,fermented for 43.04 h under 42.23 ℃ , the mean value of sensory estimate was reached 92.02, the flavor of the fermentation liquid was best with peat- reek of lactic acid , and the liquid tasted sweet and sour, very delicate.Key words: Lactobacillus; fermentation; silver carp by-product; response surface methodology湖 北 农 业 科 学 2013 年乳酸菌( Lactobacillus)是指能发酵糖类主要产物为乳酸的一类无芽孢、革兰氏阳性细菌的总称。乳酸菌能分解食物中的糖类、蛋白质,合成维生素,对脂肪类化合物也有微弱的分解能力,能提高脂肪类食物的消化率,促进其消化吸收[1]。在鱼类加工过程中...