《电子技术》课 程 设 计 报 告课 题 名 称直流可变稳压电源的设计学 院昆 明 学 院专 业机 械 设 计 制 造 及 其 自 动化班 级机 制 四 班姓 名学 号4 3 64 2 4时 间2 0 1 3 年7 月1 号 — 7 月9 号摘要本文设计的是量程为在 0~15V可调的直流稳压电源, 其最功率要求 15W以上,测量直流稳压电源的纹波系数, 并具有过压保护。并且采用三端集成稳压器电路,用输出电压可调且内部有过载保护的三端集成稳压器,输出电压调整范围较宽,设计一电压补偿电路可实现输出电压从 0 V起连续可调,该稳压电源具有性能稳定 . 结构简单 . 电压、电流指标精度高 . 调节方便等优点 ?。关键词:整流,稳压,数控,可调,补偿电压,过压保护。AbstractIs designed in this paper range is between 0 ~ 15 v adjustable dc regulated power supply, its most more than 15 w power requirements, measure the ripple coefficient of dc regulated power supply, with overvoltage protection. Adopted and integrated three-terminal voltage regulator circuit, the output voltage is adjustable and has overload protection integrated three-terminal voltage regulator, a wide range of output voltage, a voltage compensation circuit is designed to achieve continuous adjustable output voltage from 0 V, the regulated power supply with stable performance. Simple structure. The high precision of voltage, current indicators. The advantages of convenient adjustment ist. Keywords: rectifier, regulator, numerical control, adjustable, offset voltage, over voltage protection. 目录第一章 . 设计目的 ..................................2 第二章 . 总体设计思路 ..............................2 2.1 直流稳压电源设计思路 ................................22.1.1..........................................................2 2.1.2采用三端可调集成稳压器电路的方案..........................3 第三章电路方案及其计算过程........................3 3.1 整流电路模块 ..........................................3 3.2 滤波电路模...