1 / 3 语阅读:大一新生寒假美梦的破灭2010 年 02 月 09 日 09:4521 世纪英文报 我要评论 (0)字号: T|T大一新生们迎来了大学的第一个寒假.同学们期盼着和家人团聚,想念着家里那浓浓的温情 .可是到家后,同学们却发现自己的热情迅速降温,烦恼也随之而来.对已经习惯校园生活,并向往自由的他们来说,父母的唠叨声(nagging) 变得愈加刺耳 . 放假了,同学们归心似箭怀着盼望回家过年的心情,大一新生们在火车站排了几个小时队来买票.几天后,他们挤进一列拥挤的火车,想象着家中的美味和那些即将在到家后感受到的浓浓情意.基于这些,他们表示,回家再周折也是值得的. Freshmen, eager to get home for the Chinese New Year, queue up at the railway station for hours. Days later, they squeeze into a crowded train and dream of the home- cooked meals and love they’ll enjoy once they arrive home. This, they say, makes all the trouble of getting home worthwhile. 但很多大一新生开始发觉自己的家不再像记忆中的那样.异地生活已使得他们接触到一种全新的,自由的生活方式.而在他们刚刚迈入家门几个钟头内,他们便开始怀念自由的生活 .家务活以及唠叨的父母可能会使得同学们的寒假美梦破灭掉. 2 / 3 However, many freshmen come to find that home is not exactly how they remembered it. Living away from their parents has exposed them to a new life of freedom – one that within hours of arriving some begin to miss. Household chores and nagging parents are just a few of the things that can ruin students’winter fantasies. ―父母还是像对待高中生一样对待我.‖山东大学大一学生,19 岁的宋颖抱怨到.―每天我都是在他们的牢骚声中度过的.‖―still treat me like I was in senior high,‖ Song Ying, a 19-year-old freshman at Shandong University, complained. ―I get an earful every day.‖在离开湖北老家后的第一个学期中,宋颖很想家里的一切—— 从家常菜到公交车.她痛苦流涕,渴望能睡在自己家中的床上.于是,她一考完试就奔回家中,自以为一切还是老样子.但显然,她错了. During her first semester away from her Hubei...