1 / 4 电子科技大学 2011 -2012 学年第 2 学期期 末 考试 A 卷课程名称:离散数学考试形式:闭卷考试日期: 2012 年 6 月日 考试时长: 120 分钟课程成绩构成:平时 10 %, 期中 20 %, 实验 0 %, 期末 70 % 本试卷试题由 ____ _ 部分构成,共 _____页. 题号一二三四五六七八九十合计得分I.Multiple Choice (15%)()1. (p∧q)→(p∨ q) is logically equivalent to a) T b) p∨q c) F d) p∧q ()2. If P(A) is the power set of A, and A = , what is |P(P(P(A)))|?a) 4 b) 24c) 28d) 216()3. Which of these statements is NOT a proposition? a) Tomorrow will be Friday. b) 2+3=4. c) There is a dog. d) Go and play with me. ()4. The notation K n denotes the complete graph on n vertices. K n is the simple graph that contains exactly one edge between each pair of distinct vertices. How many edges comprise a K 20? a) 190 b) 40 c) 95 d) 380 ()5. Suppose A 5 and B 9. The number of 1-1 functions fAB is a) 45 b) P(9 5). c) 59d) 95()6. Let R be a relation on the positive integers where xRy if x divides y. Which of the following lists of properties best describes the relation R? a) reflexive, symmetric, transitive b) reflexive, antisymmetric, transitive c) reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric d) symmetric, transitive ()7. Which of the following are partitions of }8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1{U? a) }8,7,6,5,4,3{},3,2,1{},1{b) }8,7,6,5,4,3{},3,2{},1{c) }8,6,5{},3,2{},7,4,1{d) }8,7,6,5,4{},3,2{},2,1{()8. The function f(x)=3x2log(x3+21) is big-O of which of the following functions? a) x3 b) x2(logx)3c) x2logxd) xlogx ()9. In the graph that follows, give an explanation for why there is no path from a back to a that passes through each edge exactly once. a) There are vertices of odd degree, namely {B,D}. 2 / 4 b) There are vertices of even...