摘要在对国内外车库现状及发展趋势做了充分调研的基础上, 以较为典型的升降横移式立体车库为研究对象,选择三层三列式车库结构作为研究模型。综合考虑立体车库制造成本和运行安全的双重因素。简单介绍了车库的主体结构和特点,对车库的控制系统也作了简单的说明,依据升降横移式立体车库的运行原理,运用机械设计相关知识进行了一系列传动方案的设计,包括提升系统的传动设计,横移系统的传动设计,还运用力学理论对升降横移式立体车库的结构进行了力学分析,包括升降横移式立体车库的框架结构的强度、横移传动系统中轴的强度和升降传动系统中轴的强度等。为了使停车设备满足使用要求,根据国家关于机械式停车设备通用安全要求的标准、升降横移式立体车库的实际,在升降横移式立体车库中使用了一些必要的安全技术,这样保证了车辆的绝对安全,使得整个车库可以安全平稳的运行。关键词: 立体停车库;升降横移式立体车库;钢结构;安全措施Abstract In the domestic and international current situation and trend of development for garage. Based on sufficient investigation, tochoose a more typical of up-down and translation stereo garageas the research object, to choose the three layer three row type garage structure as research model. Considering the three-dimensional garage manufacturing cost and operation safety of the double factors. Briefly introduces the main structure and characteristics of the garage, the garage control system are briefly described, based on the up-down and translation stereo garage operation principle, use of mechanical design knowledge are a series of transmission scheme design, including the upgrading of the transmission system design, shifting the transmission system design, also according to the theory of mechanics up-down and translation stereo garage structure mechanical analysis is carried out, including up-down and translation stereo garage frame structure strength, shifting transmission system axial strength and axial strength of lifting transmission system....