
七年级英语上册 Lesson 57 Where Are They From课件 冀教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

七年级英语上册 Lesson 57 Where Are They From课件 冀教版 课件七年级英语上册 Lesson 57 Where Are They From课件 冀教版 课件七年级英语上册 Lesson 57 Where Are They From课件 冀教版 课件七年级英语上册 Lesson 57 Where Are They From课件 冀教版 课件
Lesson57:Where Are They From? Words and phrases 生词和短语•north /nɔ:θ/ 北方•south /sauθ/ 南方•east /i:st/ 东方•west /west/ 西方•point /pɔint/ 指;指向•country /´kʌntri/ 国家 (复数为 countries )•English /´iŋgliʃ/ 英语;英国人 Words and phrases 生词和短语•United States /ju:´naitid steits/ 美国(地名) (=U.S.)•United Kingdom /ju:´naitid ´kiŋdəm/ 英国(地名) (=U.K.)•Australia /ɔ´streiliə/ 澳大利亚(地名)•far from 离……远 •our /´auə/ 我们的 •map /mæp/ 地图 1 、 This is north. North points up on a map.north 2 、 This is south. South points down.south 3 、 This is east. East points right.east 4 、 This is west. West points left.west Translation 课文翻译:1 、 This is north. North points up on a map. 这个方向是北。在地图上向上的方向是北。2 、 This is south. South points down. 这个方向是南。向下的方向是南。3 、 This is east. East points right. 这个方向是东。向右的方向是东。4 、 This is west. West points left. 这个方向是西。向左的方向是西。 North points up. South points down.West points left. East points right.northsoutheastwest Where are they from?Li Ming: I want to go to Beijing. What do you want to do, Ms. Liu?Ms. Liu: I’ll meet my friends from English-speaking countries.Li Ming: What are the countries?Ms. Liu: They are Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Australia.Li Ming: Are these countries near us?Ms. Liu: No, they are far from our country. I’ll show you a map. Where are they from?Li Ming: I want to go to Beijing. What do you want to do, Ms. Liu?李明: 我想要去北京。 你想要做什么,刘老师?Ms. Liu: I’ll meet my friends from English-speaking countries.刘老师: 我要与来自说英语的国家的朋友见面。Li Ming: What are the countries?李明: 是哪些国家?Ms. Liu: They are Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Austra...

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