Lesson57:Where Are They From? Words and phrases 生词和短语•north /nɔ:θ/ 北方•south /sauθ/ 南方•east /i:st/ 东方•west /west/ 西方•point /pɔint/ 指;指向•country /´kʌntri/ 国家 (复数为 countries )•English /´iŋgliʃ/ 英语;英国人 Words and phrases 生词和短语•United States /ju:´naitid steits/ 美国(地名) (=U.S.)•United Kingdom /ju:´naitid ´kiŋdəm/ 英国(地名) (=U.K.)•Australia /ɔ´streiliə/ 澳大利亚(地名)•far from 离……远 •our /´auə/ 我们的 •map /mæp/ 地图 1 、 This is north. North points up on a map.north 2 、 This is south. South points down.south 3 、 This is east. East points right.east 4 、 This is west. West points left.west Translation 课文翻译:1 、 This is north. North points up on a map. 这个方向是北。在地图上向上的方向是北。2 、 This is south. South points down. 这个方向是南。向下的方向是南。3 、 This is east. East points right. 这个方向是东。向右的方向是东。4 、 This is west. West points left. 这个方向是西。向左的方向是西。 North points up. South points down.West points left. East points right.northsoutheastwest Where are they from?Li Ming: I want to go to Beijing. What do you want to do, Ms. Liu?Ms. Liu: I’ll meet my friends from English-speaking countries.Li Ming: What are the countries?Ms. Liu: They are Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Australia.Li Ming: Are these countries near us?Ms. Liu: No, they are far from our country. I’ll show you a map. Where are they from?Li Ming: I want to go to Beijing. What do you want to do, Ms. Liu?李明: 我想要去北京。 你想要做什么,刘老师?Ms. Liu: I’ll meet my friends from English-speaking countries.刘老师: 我要与来自说英语的国家的朋友见面。Li Ming: What are the countries?李明: 是哪些国家?Ms. Liu: They are Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Austra...