

Lifestyle Diet BrainstormingBrainstorming Main foodNoodle , Rice , Cake , Porridge ,Soup, PizzaDrinksJuice , Coke , Milk VegetableCarrot , Tomato , PotatoMeat Pork , Beef ,Chicken ,Fish ,Ham FruitLemon , Kiwi , Watermelon , Tomato H E A L T H YAMRBADZZIPNDOOOMATOSIFOGURTE Make a surveyDo you have a healthy lifestyle?A: I am a reporter from Teenagers’ Magazine. I am making a survey. Do you have some hobbies ?B: Yes, I often…..A: How often do you exercise?B:…times a……A: What do you usually have for breakfast?B: I usually have……… for breakfast.A: What about lunch? B: For lunch ,I often have…….A: Do you often eat vegetables?B: Yes, they are good for us./No,…… Listen to Simon and fill in the blanks.HobbiesI often to keep fit.Breakfast/ReasonFor breakfast, I always have . I also eat baozi or mantou,and I drink . This helps me well.Lunch/ ReasonI have or for lunch. I have and too. This meal gives me for the whole afternoon.Supper/ReasonFor dinner, I often have , and vegetables. I eat fruit everyday. Fruit and vegetables are good us. We need them to keep . I also drink lots of every day. play football an egga glass of milkstart the day ricenoodlesvegetablesmeatenergysoupfishforhealthywater My name is Simon. I often play football to keep fit. I also eat healthy food.For breakfast, I always have an egg. I also eat baozi or mantou,and I drink a glass of milk. This helps me start the day.I have rice or noodles for lunch. I have meat and vegetables too. This meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon.For dinner, I often have soup, fish and vegetables. I eat fruit everyday. Fruit and vegetables are good for us. We need them to keep healthy. I also drink lots of water every day.Di...

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