毕 业 设 计 [论 文]题目:中 型 烤 漆 生 产 流 水 线 控 制 系 统 系 别:电气与电子工程系专 业:自动化姓 名:黄冠勇 学 号:122407209指导教师:王整风 河南城建学院 2011 年 05 月 16 日摘要采用人工涂漆工作劳动强度大,生产率低,涂层质量不易保证,还会对人体产生毒害作用,自动喷漆在大批量生产中对提高劳动生产率,保证产品质量,改善劳动环境等都具有重要意义。烤漆生产流水线控制系统的设计涉及到计算机控制技术、电气控制技术与 PLC 原理及应用、传感器原理与应用、自动控制原理等多个学科。利用现代传感器的自动检测技术和自动控制实现自动喷涂的控制,采用温度传感器对环境的温度进行控制,利用压力传感器来实现喷涂时所需要的恒定压力的控制,利用接近开关来控制小车的启停,并且通过光电传感器的使用,来达到喷漆的智能控制,并且具有一定的报警功能。关键词:伺服电机 传感器 接近开关 压缩机 PLC AbstractWork with labor-intensive manual paint, low productivity, difficult to guarantee coating quality, but also toxic effects on the human body, auto paint in mass production to improve productivity, ensure product quality, improve the working environment is important so . Paint production line control system design involves computer control technology, electrical technology and PLC control theory and application of theory and application of sensors, automatic control theory and other disciplines. Automatic detection of the use of modern sensor technology and automatic control of the control of automatic spraying, the use of temperature sensors to control the temperature of the environment, the use of pressure sensors required to spray a constant pressure control, the use of proximity switches to control the car's start and stop And, through the use of photoelectric sensors, intelligent control to achieve painting, and has a certain alarm.Keywords: Servo motor Sensors Proximity Switch Compressor plc摘要........................................