Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gained出题人:李 昊 出题时间:2014 年 7 月 15 日Section 1:1.venture n. 商业,企业;冒险的行动 v. 冒险,敢于做He failed in his ventures. 他投机失败。She is ready for any venture. 她准备冒任何危险。Nobody ventured any objection at the meeting. 会上无人敢提反对意见。He ventured his life to rescue the drowning child. 他冒着生命危险去救那个快要淹死的孩子。小心地说,谨慎地做 venture to do sth. 冒着…的危险 venture sth on sth Many people now venture their money on(冒险把钱投在) the stock market. (venture)2.endurance n. 忍耐力,耐性;持久 (本文指船名”持久号”)He showed remarkable power of endurance. 他表现出十分突出的忍耐力。Long distance runners need great endurance. 长跑运动员需要有很大的耐力。忍无可忍 beyond endurance 耐力测试 endurance test Vt. 忍耐,容忍;持久 endure 可忍受(容忍)的 endurable We endured many hardships during the war. 我们在战时忍受了很多的苦难。If help does not come, we must endure to the end. 我们必须坚持到最后。The enduring peace shouldn’t be broken by few countries. 持久的和平Seeing animals cruelly treated is beyond endurance. 看到动物被虐待简直是忍无可忍。What he said isn’t endurable. 他所说的让人无法容忍。3.block out 封闭;画出…的略图I have blocked out a plan of the house. 我已绘出了房子的草图。They had to block out all entrances to stop the spreading of the fire.他们不得不封住所有入口以阻挡大火的蔓延。Try to block up these holes in the wall. 设法堵塞这些墙洞。(阻碍,阻塞,堵塞)That wall ______________________(挡住) all the light. Blocks upThis area has been ______________________________( 封闭). Blocked out4.rotten 腐烂的;变质的;腐朽的 rot v. 腐烂;腐烂变质 rot away 烂掉The fruit is starting to go rotten. 水果开始腐烂变质了。 She is a rotten singer. 她是一个蹩脚的歌手。 非常糟糕的,恶劣的,蹩脚的The organiza...