WorkbookReading task & ExercisesI. Fast reading: Read the passage as quickly as possible and try to find out what each of the following words means in the language of the Hawaiians.Guessing Words Meaningsalohalokahikokuaohanaleito be with happiness /goodbye/our hearts singing togetheroneness with all peopleHel pfamilya circle of flowers worn around the neckHawaiiII.Careful reading1.What is the first way Hawaiians show their friendship?2.What is the second way of showing friendship? By saying “aloha”.They welcome people of all races, languages and cultures with “lokahi’’ which means “oneness with all people.Find the answers to the questions:3. What is their third way of showing friendship?4. Why do many different peoples call Hawaii their home?They give visitors a “leis” to make them feel at home.It’s because Hawaii is a place where many cultures live together peacefully and co-operate with each other.5.How do people in Hawaii get on with one another?6.How can people in Hawaii live in peace? They try to help each other so that all feel stronger. People are told that their actions should be as gentle as the wind blowing from the sea. They solve the problems with understanding and treat all people as if they are part of the same family.7.Can you find similar things in your hometown? How do you show friendship to visitors? Give them a friendly smile.Some exercises on your workbook1.As good friends, we______ each other and are always_________ about each other. Sometimes we quarrel, but soon we_________ and have a heart-to heart talk__________solve our problem.trustconcernedcalm downin order toUsing words and expressions (P41.1)2.Wu Yiming and I get on very well. We _____a bed room. We often tell ea...