Life in the futureModule 1 Book 4 Reading and vocabulary Look at the following pictures : 1. What do you think of these buildings ?2. What materials are used to build them ?Leading-in China Finland The Republic of Angola 丹麦 俄罗斯馆 Britain 法国馆 France Romania 1. What do you think of these buildings ?2. What materials are used to build them ?Discussion Introduction: Word Studyglassglassaluminiumaluminiumwoodwoodbrickbrickrubberrubbersteelsteelconcreteconcretemudmudplasticplastic Introduction – Activity 2 on Page 1• Then choose the building materials to complete complete the sentences in Activity 2.Answers:1.1. AluminiumAluminium2.2. SteelSteel3.3. rubber, woorubber, woodd4.4. PlasticPlastic5. Bricks5. Bricks6. Concrete6. Concrete7. Mud7. Mud8. Stone8. Stone9. Glass9. Glass 上海世博会城市未来馆 • 城市未来馆是五大• 主题馆之一,• 位于浦西园区内,• 它的前身是一家发电厂的主厂房,经过改造成了一座“三星级的绿色建筑”。城市未来馆通过影片、书籍和雕塑等方式,展示历史上人们对未来城市的梦想、设计与实践,并畅想未来城市的各种可能,阐述推动人类进步永恒不变的精神元素。 Pre-readingTitle: The City of the FutureWhat topics do you think will be mentioned in a passage with the title above? (open) shoppingshopping environment environment traffic traffic weather weather entertainmententertainment alternative energy alternative energy crimecrime schools schools public servicespublic services What other topics do you think will be mentioned?What other topics do you think will be mentioned? Fast-reading• Read the passage for the first time. Check whether your answer in Activity 1 is right. shoppingshopping environment environment traffic traffic weather weather entertainment entertainment alternative alternative energy energy crimecri...