Welcome to Qidong Middle School go on a diet exercise in the gym receive surgical treatment take weight-loss pills Unit 3 Reading Dying to be thin ...AmyWeight-loss pills What does the title of the article ‘Dying to be thin...’mean? Amy wanted to be thin very much. 1.What does Amy care about most?2. Is Amy all right? Where is she now? 3.What does Zhou Ling think of Amy’s way of losing weight? Her beauty.No. She is in hospital. It is very dangerous.Fast-reading: Careful-reading: Subject Main point 1 Dying to be thin 2 Recovering 3 Reply to Amy’s e-mailsAmy took weight-loss pills and became slimmer and slimmer.Amy’s liver failed. Then Li Dong donated part of his liver to save her.Zhou Ling was amazed and touched. She thinks that health is the most important. Choose the best answers:1. According to paragraph2 in the first e-mail, Amy is an actress, . A. who often exercises B. who wanted to lose some weight C. who became ill D. who ate little B2. Why did Amy decide to take weight-loss pills? _______ A. She was overweight. B. She was having problems. C. Her clothes did not fit. D. She wanted to become slimmer.D3. At the hospital, the doctor told Amy she would . A. live for seven days B. have to donate her liver C. die without a new liver D. need her mother’s liverC 4. Li Dong, a young Chinese, . A. saved Amy’s life by donating money to her B. saved Amy’s life by giving her part of his liver C. told Amy never to take weight-loss pills again D. once worked with AmyB5. Zhou Ling, Amy’s friend, . A. did not want to read Amy’s e-mails B. was sorry to hear about Amy’s problems C. thinks Amy should lose weight D. thinks diets and weight-loss pills are necessaryB6. Amy’s experience is . A. an interesting one B. forgotten by her family C. like that of some people in China D. a problem only for actressesC At a news conferenceAmyLi Dong 1Discussion:Ways of losing weightAdvantagesDisadvantageshaving a healthy dietdoing exercise receiving surgical treatment taking weight-loss pills eating lesshealthycheaphealthyquickquickslowexpensivetime-consumingdangerousexpensiveharmfulslowhealthysaving money ( look good + feel good )healthy diets exercise ( work out)Keep fit 1