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高二英语unit16 reading课件 人教版 课件高二英语unit16 reading课件 人教版 课件高二英语unit16 reading课件 人教版 课件高二英语unit16 reading课件 人教版 课件高二英语unit16 reading课件 人教版 课件
Guess the name of the country.Guess the name of the country. Decide whether the following sentences Decide whether the following sentences are are TrueTrue of of FalseFalse..1. New York is the largest state in the US.2. Most state names come from Spanish or English.3. Atlanta is known as the “Big Apple”.4. The Constitution was written in 1779.TexasNative American LanguagesNew York17895. There are 52 stars on the American flag.6. George Washington was the first American President.7. The first settlers arrived in North America about 30,000 years ago.8. The Mississippi River is the longest river in the world.50The “first settlers” is native American who came to North America from Asia.USThe longest river in the world is the Nile River.Unit 16Unit 16 The United States of AmericaThe United States of AmericaReading(The American South)) Step 1 Lead-inTalk about the following pictures Where and when did they win the gold medals in the Olympic Games?It was in Atlanta in 1996. Atlanta Step 2 ScanningRead the passage quickly and find the answers for the following questions. Try to find out how many parts we can divide it into:Try to find out how many parts we can divide it into:PartsParts Paragraphs Paragraphs Main ideas Main ideasPart OnePara 1Part TwoPara 2--5Part Three Para 6The suffering of the South in the pastHope and success of the SouthA new beginning of the Souththe suffering historythe Southerners holding togetherthe Civil Rights movement and Martin Luther King, Jr1996 Olympics showing Atlanta’s success 1.What did Atlanta suffer from in the Civil War? 2.What is Modern Atlanta like? Atlanta was burnt down and destroyed.Modern Atlanta is a booming business center and the home of some of the la...

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