
高二英语 模块6 Unit16 Lesson 1 Stories from History-period 2课件 北师大版选修6 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高二英语 模块6 Unit16 Lesson 1 Stories from History-period 2课件 北师大版选修6 课件高二英语 模块6 Unit16 Lesson 1 Stories from History-period 2课件 北师大版选修6 课件高二英语 模块6 Unit16 Lesson 1 Stories from History-period 2课件 北师大版选修6 课件高二英语 模块6 Unit16 Lesson 1 Stories from History-period 2课件 北师大版选修6 课件高二英语 模块6 Unit16 Lesson 1 Stories from History-period 2课件 北师大版选修6 课件
Stories from HistoryLesson 1 Period 2Language Focus and GrammarTsinghua High School: Zhang ShuminStories from History• Language Focus and Grammar• Revision for words and expression:• Encourage the students to work out the English explanations of some important words and useful expressions either from the context or refer to their dictionaries.Revision of Warm-up & L11.knock at/on2.knock sb./sth. over3.at the speed of 4.come into view5.There is no doubt that…6.a ticket with a phone number written on it• 敲门(窗)• 撞倒• 以…的速度• 出现在视野中• 毫无疑问• 一张写着电话号码的票Useful phrases in L17. 一世纪末8. 阻挡,封闭9. 给……深刻印象10. 可怕的历史遗址11. 挖掘12. 时间胶囊13. 突然兴旺的城市14. 侧卧15. 继续生存at the end of the first centuryat the end of the first centuryblock outblock outleave a deep impression on sb.leave a deep impression on sb.an awesome historical sitean awesome historical sitedig outdig outtime capsuletime capsule booming cities booming citieslie on one’s sidelie on one’s sidelive onlive onUseful phrases in L116.volcanic eruption17. a great loss18. preserve a frozen moment19. be caught in20. feel sorrow and deep sympathy for21. a monument to human history22. split up• 火山爆发• 巨大的损失• 保护一个封存的瞬间• 遭遇• 感到悲痛和深切的同情• 历史的纪念• 解散,分成小部分Useful phrases in L1• 23. on the way to• 24. round-the-world trip• 25. get a pay rise• 26. the authentic objects• 27. the decorated walls• 28. the ancient architecture• 29. this particularly sad event• 30. be entirely different23. 去…的路上24. 环球旅行25. 加薪26. 原物27. 装饰过的墙28. 古代建筑29. 特别悲伤的事件30. 完全不同Fill in the blanks • A good idea ____________ to me.• He ___________ to be at home when I dropped in...

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