
高中英语Unit 22 Lesson 2 Endangered Species课件2 北师大版 选修8 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语Unit 22 Lesson 2 Endangered Species课件2 北师大版 选修8 课件高中英语Unit 22 Lesson 2 Endangered Species课件2 北师大版 选修8 课件高中英语Unit 22 Lesson 2 Endangered Species课件2 北师大版 选修8 课件高中英语Unit 22 Lesson 2 Endangered Species课件2 北师大版 选修8 课件
2 Endangered SpeciesObjectives:To listen to lectures and take notes.To practise justifying arguments. How do you feel about our environment? What will be affected if we destroy our environment? 2 Endangered SpeciesBengal tigersnow leopardgiant pandadolphincrested ibisalligator habitat:extinct:preserve:conservation:the natural home of a plant or animalnot existingto save something from being harmedthe protection of natural things (such as animals, plants, forests) from being spoiled or destroyed.② Explain these words: ② Complete the sentences with the key words. Key words: conservation , extinct, habitat, preserve• 1. Animal’s _______________is the type of area that it lives in.• 2. If we are not careful, the panda will become ______________and our children will only see them in books.• 3. It is important to ____________forests because otherwise a lot of animals will have nowhere to live.• 4. I am working on a ____________project. We are trying to save the panda.habitatextinctpreserveconservation Take notes: Use listening strategies.③●●●●Listen to topic words, e.g. endangered, species, usually are stressed.List your main points using numbers oran asterisk. This makes your notes easier to read when you look at them later.Don’t try to write down everything, select important information.Use abbreviations and your own shorthand . Listen and take notes about the following : ③●●●Animals:Numbers:Key words of reasons for being endangered:1,60012020giant panda, Yangtze Dolphin, tigerman, destroy, pollution, river, kill, hunt5,00085 Giant panda:Numbers: World wide:in special centres:in zoos:Habitat:Food:Reason for being endangered:1,60012020bamboo forests (of Central China)bamboohuman activity destroying their habitat ③ Listen...

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