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高二英语第15单元reading 新课标 人教版 课件高二英语第15单元reading 新课标 人教版 课件高二英语第15单元reading 新课标 人教版 课件高二英语第15单元reading 新课标 人教版 课件高二英语第15单元reading 新课标 人教版 课件
PHRASES• 时而• 旅游的强烈愿望• 打点行装• 考虑以下目的地之一1.Every now and then2. Get the itch to travel3. Pack your bags4. Consider one of the destinations below•巴西第二大城市•沿着大西洋海岸边•现代购物商场•看到里约人快乐的生•活方式•城市的历史文化中心•靠近海边•一个重要的商业城市1. Brazil’s second largest city2. Along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean 3. Modern malls4. A glimpse of the happy lifestyle of cariocas5. The city’s cultural and historical heart6. Next to stores7. An important commercial city• 距离商业区几站• 100 岁生日• 比以往漂亮• 10 多英里长• 厌倦• 旅游旺季• 四天的节日1. A few bus stops from downtown2. One hundredth birthday3. More beautiful than ever4. Over ten miles long5. Get tired of6. The biggest tourism season7. A four-day festivalPHRASES• 冬季冒险• 最有挑战性的滑雪运动• 位于奥地利南部• 即使• 另人瞠目的风景• 世界级的滑雪胜地• 丰富的娱乐活动1. A winter adventure2. The most challenging skiing in the world3. Located in southern Austria4. Even though5. Breath-taking scenery6. A world-class ski resort7. A wide variety of entertainment Lead in and Presentationand Presentation•What does a tourist need to know about the chosen destination before going there?Climatefood transportattractions History LocationPeople and language Landscape Conclusion:When a destination is introduced, we can present its history,location ,climate people,language ,landscape,food and many other attractions.Scan the text quickly and try to find the answers to the questions:1. What cities are talked about in this passage? 2. Where are the two cities?scanningRio de Janero and KitzbuhelRio de Janero……Kitzbuhel…… Rio stretches itself lazily along the coast of the Atlantic OceanRio de JaneiroRio de JaneiroRio de JaneiroRio de Janeiro Kitz...

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