
高中英语Unit1 cultural relics课件人教版必修2VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语Unit1 cultural relics课件人教版必修2高中英语Unit1 cultural relics课件人教版必修2高中英语Unit1 cultural relics课件人教版必修2高中英语Unit1 cultural relics课件人教版必修2高中英语Unit1 cultural relics课件人教版必修2
Cultural relics The First PeriodDo you know what a cultural relic is?Can you give some examples of the cultural relics both at home and abroad?YuanmingyuanThe Great WallWuluozhongli Mountain Potala PalaceTemple of HeavenThe Pyramids in EgyptForbidden CityThe Eiffel Tower in ParisMogao CavesMing Dynasty vaseivory dragon boatThe Taj Mahal in India It is a part of something old that has remained when the rest of it has been destroyed. It tells people about the past. It has survived for a long time.What is a cultural relic ?The Amber RoomIt is now missing…1. What was the Amber Room made of ?2. The amber feels as hard as stone, how can it be made into a room? Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape.7,000 tons of amber were used to make it. It was also made with gold and jewels.Para 1Detailed information about the Amber RoomColourBirthplaceDesignMaterialTime to complete ityellow-brownPrussiaof the fancy style popular in those daysseven thousand tons of amber; gold and jewelsIt took a team of thecountry’s best artists tenyears to make it.The best and biggest work of amber art ever made.(有史以来所制作的最大最好的琥珀艺术作品) 1.What did Peter the Great give in return?The Czar gave the king of Prussia 55 of his best soldiers.2.What was the Amber Room used for when it belonged to Peter the Great?It served as a small reception hall for important visitors.Para 2What happened to the Amber Room in 1716?Frederick William I(the king ofPrussia) 1. his in St Petersburg2. a small for important visitors.as a gift of friendshipgave to in return toserved as (the Czar)Sent him his best soldiersPeter the Greata troop ofwinter palacereception hall1.What did Catherine II use the Amber Room for?She...

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