

L/O/G/O Unit2 ReadingThe search for happinessLet's enjoy a song!If you're happy and you know it clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it and you're really want to show itIf you're happy and you know it clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it stomp your feetIf you're happy and you know it stomp your feetIf you're happy and you know it and you're really want to show itIf you're happy and you know it stomp your feetIf you're happy and you know it shout OKIf you're happy and you know it say OKIf you're happy and you know it and you're really want to show itIf you're happy and you know it say OKWhat is happiness to you ?Having a lot of money Staying with family Being surrounded by friends Achieving success To those disabled person , happiness means…L/O/G/O An interviewThe search for happinessL/O/G/OL/O/G/O An interviewThe search for happinessdefinition & stepsReading strategyReading an interviewP19 An interview takes place when one person (interviewer) asks another person (interviewee) a series of questions on the topic.Definition: interviewee interviewerInterviewthe first paragraph find out the topic of the interview, who the interviewee is and what he/she does.How to read an interview?How to read an interview?1.Carefully read each question.2.Fully understand the question.3.Read the interviewee’s response. including background information of the topic.the following paragraphs1. What is the topic of the TV interview?2. What is the name of the doctor?3. How did Sang Lan get injured?Fast ReadingHappiness.Dr Brain.• At the Goodwill Games in 1998, when Sang Lan was practicing, a coach changed the way the equipment was set up, but she was ...

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