
高中英语 Book4 Unit2 Reading课件 新人教版必修4 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语 Book4 Unit2 Reading课件 新人教版必修4 课件高中英语 Book4 Unit2 Reading课件 新人教版必修4 课件高中英语 Book4 Unit2 Reading课件 新人教版必修4 课件高中英语 Book4 Unit2 Reading课件 新人教版必修4 课件高中英语 Book4 Unit2 Reading课件 新人教版必修4 课件
BOOK4 Unit 2 Working the landEnjoy a PoemBy Li ShenFarmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon.Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day. BrainstormingWhat will you think of when you see the word “farming”?farmingirrigating ( 灌溉 )ploughing sowingweather &climatecropsrice transplanting (插秧 )fertilizerWarming up Have you ever grow any plant? Do you know how to grow a plant? First we ploughed the soil deep.Second we put the seeds into the soil.Finally we should turn over the soil by ploughing again.The farmers plow the field. They have to make the soil loose enough to plant crops.ploughing (犁田)ploughing (犁田) seeding (播种)fertilizing( 施肥 )irrigating( 灌溉 )transplanting(插秧)harvesting (收割)winnowing ( 扬 谷 )select the seeds plough the field turn over the soil sow the seeds remove the weeds fertilize farming stepsWhat is missing here? Rice is our main food. What do you think will happen if tomorrow there is suddenly no rice to eat?If that happened, people might die of hunger. The whole world would get into trouble.Drought: a disturbing problemNo cropNo outputWhat do you think would happen if there were suddenly nothing to eat ?• suffer from starvation and starve to death.• feel scared / be panic( 惊慌 ). • fight for food, even kill each other • and the whole country would get into trouble.Pre-readingHow to solve hunger? making good use of the waste land developing the technology to… inventing a new kind of food…improving the quality of the soil preventing the pests from eating our cropsThe measures taken to deal with hunger.Invent a new kind of plant to produce more food.Find a new sort of fertilizer( 肥料 )to give riceenough nutritionFind som...

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