Unit 4 Making the newsWarming up高二人教新课标版必修五radiothe InternetPeter ParkerThe spider manDo you want to work for a newspaper, like Peter Parker?If you are offered a chance for a job at China Daily, you will need to find out what kind of jobs they have?reporter / journalistTo make a newspaper we need …reportereditordesignerpainterprinterphotographer…chief editor 主编deputy editor 副主编subeditor 审校编辑assistant editor 助理编辑critic 评论员cartoonist 漫画师correspondent 通讯员What kind of jobs do the newspapers have?jobsreporter/journalistphotographerchief editor advertising editordistribution organizerInterviews people or finds out about events from onlookersTakes photographs of important people or eventseditordesignerprinterPrints the newspaperMakes sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate; checks factsLays out the article and photographsjobsjobs1. journalist 2. chief editor 3. reporter 4. deputy editor 5. photographer 6. printer 7. critic 8. foreign correspondent 9. desk editor 10. cartoonist 11. sub-editor1)Which two words mean the same?2)Who gives opinions on plays and books?3)Who reports from aboard?4)Who decides on the content of the newspaper?5)Who prints the newspaper? journalist/reportercriticforeign correspondentchief editorprinterQuiz6) Who writes news stories?7) Who makes corrections to articles and design?8) Who designs comic drawings with captions ( 说明 , 标题 )?9) Who is in charge of the newspaper when the boss is away?10) Who takes photos of important people or events?journalist/reportersub-editorcartoonistdeputy editorphotographer1. journalist 2. chief editor 3. reporter 4. deputy editor 5. photographer 6. printer 7. critic 8. foreign correspondent 9. desk editor 10. cartoonist 11. sub-editorQuizDo you k...