
高中英语 Unit5(Canada- The True North )Warming Up& ReadingI多媒体教学课件 新人教版必修3 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语 Unit5(Canada- The True North )Warming Up& ReadingI多媒体教学课件 新人教版必修3 课件高中英语 Unit5(Canada- The True North )Warming Up& ReadingI多媒体教学课件 新人教版必修3 课件高中英语 Unit5(Canada- The True North )Warming Up& ReadingI多媒体教学课件 新人教版必修3 课件高中英语 Unit5(Canada- The True North )Warming Up& ReadingI多媒体教学课件 新人教版必修3 课件高中英语 Unit5(Canada- The True North )Warming Up& ReadingI多媒体教学课件 新人教版必修3 课件
Unit 5 Canada— “The True North”Warming Up& Reading (I)ABCDEFWhere is Canada?Location:U S ACanada in the North America lies on the north of USA5,500kmArea:Population:About 9.98 million K ㎡About 31.6 millionfresh watercoaloilnatural gas forests fishResourcesHow much do you know about Canada?Let’s have a quiz.B.1. Which is the national flag of Canada?A. C. D.2. What language(s) do Canadians speak?A. English.B. English and German.C. English and French.D. English and Spanish.3. What is the capital of Canada?A. B. Vancouver. Toronto.C. D. Calgary. Ottawa.4. What is the national animal of Canada? A. B. Beaver. Grizzly bear. C. D. Polar bear. Penguin. A Trip on “The True North”ReadingFast reading1. What is “The True North”? “The True North” is the train that goes across Canada / the cross-Canada train.2. Find out what these numbers refer to?second5,500320thirtyone-third It is 5,500 km from coast to coast.Most Canadians live within 320 km of the USA borderThe population of Canada is only slightly over thirty millionCanada has one-third of the world’s fresh waterSecond largest country in the world Vancouver Rocky Mountains Calgary Thunder BayTorontorefer to the map on page 333.Draw the route of the two girls traveling across Canada.TimeCity mentionedSomething specialon the way to the station; that morningafternoontwo days later; after dinnerthat night---------------------------VancouverCalgaryThunder BayTorontoThe warmest part of Canada, the most beautiful city…Calgary Stampede.It is a very busy port.Careful reading1. The girls went to Canada to see their relatives in Toronto . 2. Danny Lin was going to drive them to Vancouver.Montreal on the Atlantic coast of Canadathe train station to catch the cross-Canada trai...

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