
高中英语 Unit 1 Living well-Using language课件 新人教版选修7 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语 Unit 1 Living well-Using language课件 新人教版选修7 课件高中英语 Unit 1 Living well-Using language课件 新人教版选修7 课件高中英语 Unit 1 Living well-Using language课件 新人教版选修7 课件高中英语 Unit 1 Living well-Using language课件 新人教版选修7 课件高中英语 Unit 1 Living well-Using language课件 新人教版选修7 课件
人教课标版高二 选修 7Unit 1 Using Language Leading inMount Kilimanjaro 乞力马札罗山Mount Kilimanjaro 乞力马札罗山 Mount Kilimanjaro乞力马札罗山 Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and the tallest freestanding mountain known to man. It is a mountain where you can hike for more than 90 kilometers, gain 4000 meters in altitude, traverse rain forest, moorland, alpine desert, snow fields and ice cliffs, all virtually on the equator! A truly unforgettable and fascinating adventure. What kind of difficulty do you think weak-sighted or blind people would have climbing a mountain?Discussion1 Listen and write down why Barry and his team did the climb and why Joan, the interviewer, describes Barry’s plan for next climbing as “amazing”.2 Barry and his team wanted to __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Joan thinks Barry’s plan is amazing because ____________________________________________________________________________ prove that they could achieve whatever they decided to do and at the same time raise money for people with weak sight.after climbing one difficult mountain he wants to climb an even more difficult one. Answer key for Exercise 3 on Page 6 :16-19 years old, 25-45 years old, 5900 metres, 12, 9, 15, 7,5days, 2 days Answer key for Exercise 5 on Page 7 :Well done, Five days, two, full of, companions, What do you plan to do next, Amazing, every success in the future Wishes & congratulationsExpressionsCongratulations.All the best.I’m proud of you.I wish you success.Good luck. Well done. I’m very impressed by your performance. You have my best wishes. I’m very pleased for you. I hope it goes well for you. That’s wonderful...

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