
高中英语 Unit2(Robots)课件40 新人教版选修7 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语 Unit2(Robots)课件40 新人教版选修7 课件高中英语 Unit2(Robots)课件40 新人教版选修7 课件高中英语 Unit2(Robots)课件40 新人教版选修7 课件高中英语 Unit2(Robots)课件40 新人教版选修7 课件高中英语 Unit2(Robots)课件40 新人教版选修7 课件
(Page 15) Claire’s feelings towards Tony changed as the story developed.dislikealarmedembarrassedadmire/ be proud oflovesadMolly and Kate are discussing the story "Satisfaction Guaranteed". Read the questions and then listen to finish the following tasks.1. Listen to the conversation and tick the correct boxes.1. Who really likes the story?2. Who thinks that Claire loved Tony?3. Who thinks that Tony loved Claire? Molly Kate √√√4.Who thinks that the purpose of Tony’s actions was to make Claire feel good about herself?5.Who thinks taking Tony away must have hurt Claire?6.Who said that making a robot so much like a man was bound to cause trouble? Molly Kate √√√1.She doesn’t believe robots can1.She doesn’t believe robots canfeel emotion of any kindfeel emotion of any kindlack of confidencelack of confidence2.Claire was hurting herself by her2.Claire was hurting herself by her3.She likes a robot like Tony because she imagine3.She likes a robot like Tony because she imaginea handsome man whose only purpose is to a handsome man whose only purpose is to please herplease her4.They made the robot look so much like 4.They made the robot look so much like a real mana real man3. Write down the expressions of supposition and belief.I think… I suppose …I believe…Maybe…It must have hurt…I guess… Watch the video and try to retell the story.( using the expression of supposition to describe people’s feelings)Martin( a real boy) and David( a robot boy)are both the sons’ of a woman.New word:pee 撒尿 In groups, design a robot and make up a story between you and your robot then put it on the stage. Ⅰ. Learn and use words to show different supposition and belief:Ⅱ. Learn something about human-like ...

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