Resolved:Civil disobedience is a moral 辩题:消极抵抗是weapon in the fight for justice.维护正义的道德武器。A-The affirmative(square) —— 正方A1-Mr.James Farmer 詹姆士·法默二世A2-Miss Samantha Booke 萨曼莎·布可小姐B-The negative(opposition) B1 B2A1: Resolved:Civil disobedience is a 辩题:消极抵抗是moral weapon in the fight for justice.维护正义的道德武器。 But how can disobedience ever be moral? Well,I 但是抵抗怎么能是道德呢?guess that depends on one’s definition of the 我想,那就取决于这些词汇的定义了。words.Word.In 1919,in India,10,000 people gathered in 这个词。1919 年,在印度,一万人在阿密萨集会,In Amritsar to protest the tyranny of British rule. 抗议英国的暴君统治。General Reginal Dyer trapped them in a courtyard and 雷吉诺·戴尔将军将他们困在一个院子里 ordered tor fire into the crowd for ten minutes.397 然后让军队往人群开枪十分钟。died,men,women,children.Shot down in cold blood.Dyer 397 人死亡,男人,女人,孩子。被残酷杀害。said he had taught them a moral lesson.Gandhi and his 戴尔说他给他们上了一堂道德课。甘地与他的followers responded not with violence,but with an 追随者没有用暴力反抗organized campaign of non-cooperation.Government 而是一个组织好的不合作活动buildings were occupied.Streets were blocked with 政府大楼被占领,道路被不愿起身的人们堵死people who refused to rise,even when beaten by 甚至被警察殴打也坚持着police.Gandhi was arrested,but the British were soon 甘地被逮捕了,但是很快英国人被迫forced to release him.He called it a moral victory.The 释放了他。 他说这是道德的胜利definition of moral:Dyer’s lesson or Gandhi’s 道德的定义:戴尔的课还是甘地的胜利?victory ? You choose.你来选。B1: Form 1914 to 1918,for every single minute the world 从 1914 年到 1918 年,世界在战火中的每一分钟was at war,four men laid down their lives.Just think of 四个人倒下 想想吧it,240 brave youn...