Unit 11 Lesson 3Unit 11 Lesson 3The advertising gameThe advertising game New wordsadvertise (vt) ~ sth.advertise (vt) ~ sth.advertise (vi) ~ for sth.advertise (vi) ~ for sth.advertisement (n) = adadvertisement (n) = adadvertisements (plur.) = adsadvertisements (plur.) = adsadvertiseradvertiser6. approach 6. approach ------ methodmethod7. boom 7. boom ------ rapid increaserapid increase8. budget 8. budget ------ plan of how money plan of how money should be spentshould be spent9. classic 9. classic ------ traditional, typicaltraditional, typical10.concept 10.concept ------ ideaidea11.contemporary 11.contemporary ------ belonging to belonging to the present timethe present time12.consist of 12.consist of ------ containcontain13.suitable 13.suitable ------ right for somethingright for somethingMain idea•The combination of design and new idea. •The new and general need of modern ad.•About classic ad •The reason of making people forget the existence of ad.•About the public ad.1. About classic ad2. The new and general need of modern ad.3. The combination of design and new idea.4. The reason of making people forget the existence of ad.5. About the public ad.Right orderReading for details• 1. When does the simplest type of advertisement work? (It works when…)• 2. Why are modern techniques of design not enough for advertisements to be noticed in modern cities?• 3. What ideas do today’s advertisers use to make you notice their products?• 4. What has the government done during the last decade? • 1. It works when we only want to find information about certain products.• 2. Because of the advertising boom, people are used to seeing high standards of visual design.• 3. They use humour as well as new and unusual...