Part 1 Of 2 请根据以下内容,写一篇英语短文。 以下是一位幼儿教师关于肢体语言的心得: 根据我这几年的幼儿教育经验,我觉得对孩子适时使用肢体语言可以更直接地表达爱心。对年龄偏小的孩子来说尤其如此。肢体语言可以使他们柔弱的心灵接受莫大的安慰,使他们觉得在幼儿园像在家中一样温馨,在老师身边像在妈妈怀里一样安全。 【写作要求】 必须使用 5 个句子介绍全部所给信息。 参 考 词 汇 : 幼 儿 教 育 early childhood education; 爱 心 love and affection ; 安 慰 comfort; 安全和温暖 safe and warm Based on my past few years' experience in early childhood education, I feel that timely use of body language can more directly express my love and affection. It is especially important for younger kids in the kindergarten. It can help kids to accept a great comfort, so that they feel themselves at home in kindergarten.They feel safe with the teachers around them. In a word, they will feel at ease, as if they were staying in mom's arms, safe and warm.1. 折叠 v. __________________2. 使兴奋 v. __________________3. 自由 n. __________________4. 感谢的 adj. __________________5. 全国性地 adv. __________________6. 王室的 adj. __________________7. 精确度 n. __________________8. 流利度 n. __________________foldthrilllibertythankfulnationwideroyalaccuracyfluency9. ( 信息 ) 输出 n. __________________10. 不安 n. __________________11. 十年 n. __________________12. 趋势;倾向 n. __________________13. 不存在 n. __________________14. 理论 n. __________________15. 获得 vt. __________________16. 环绕 vt. __________________outputunrestdecadetrendabsencetheoryattainsurround17. 充分的 adj. __________________18. 媒介物 n. __________________19. 确保 vt. __________________20. 加速 vt. & vi. __________________21. 目标 n. __________________22. 扩大 vt. __________________23. 保证 vt. __________________24. 调节 vt. __________________ad...