25/3/51简介人物介绍结束语25/3/52The story is about a 17-year-old genius detective named Shinichi Kudou who gets poisoned by a mysterious underground crime organization and shrinks into his 7-year-old body. He‘s forced to hide his true identity, and fools his almost-girlfriend Ran into believing that he’s just a 7-year-old boy named Conan.25/3/53工藤新一江户川柯南(真名工藤新一,又称 Shinichi Kodu 还有 cool guy )年龄:自称 7 岁(实际 17 岁) 生日: 5 月 4 日 身份:帝丹小学 1 年级 B 班学生 性格:自信、谨慎、勇敢、机智、冷静、理性 擅长:推理、足球、滑板、驾驶、射击、电脑、拆除炸弹、各类科学知识等 名言:真相永远只有一个! 短处:音乐(但拥有绝对音感、会小提琴,因为喜欢福尔摩斯 )五项基本属性:猜拳、电玩、棒球等 返回25/3/54Conan, who has the physical appearance of elementary school kid, is in reality Shinichi Kudo, a high schooler who is equivalent to a modern Sherlock Holmes. Shinichi, a high school student, is equivalent to a modern Sherlock Holmes. However, he turns into a small kid after being forced into consuming a deadly pill. He is professional at soccer and uses his soccer practice to train his body and mind. 25/3/55毛利兰毛利兰 ( Ran Mouri )年龄: 17 岁 身份:帝丹高中二年级 B 班学生 家人:(父亲)毛利小五郎;(母亲)妃英理 喜欢:工藤新一 擅长:空手道、家务、烹饪、钢琴、网球、国语、营养学、捉迷藏 朋友:铃木园子、远山和叶等 名言:勇气这个词是形容人挺身而出的正义字眼,是不能用来当作杀人的理由的。 返回25/3/56概括好可爱哦!!!!…… \(^o^)/返回25/3/57Ran, who is high school friends with Shinichi, was with him on the night that he disappeared. Later, she accidentally stumbles into Conan and adopts him. She doesn't know that Conan really is Shinichi even though she eventually suspects it. Ran is trained in martial arts and often uses her skills to help ...