高考英语09 走势与 10 复习策略 讲座内容 : 三部分• 一、 2009 浙江高考英语试卷回顾 • 二、一轮复习建议• 三、写作复习和 1B 选修模块试题介绍 第一部分:回顾 2009 年浙江英语试卷 2009 年英语卷变化2009 浙江省高考是实施新课程以来的第一次高考1. 恢复听力 , 用 PETS2 听力部分 , 占 30 分。提前进行 , 两次机会。2. 单项选择 : 题量不变 , 比分降至 10 分。原来为20 分。3. 完形填空 : 题量不变 , 比分降至 20 分。原来为30 分。4. 单词拼写 : 取消。 5. 短文改错 : 题型改变 , 共 10 个错 , 不再一行一错设计。6. 词汇量 : 增加到 2500 个单词。考试说明的词汇表单词旁标有词性 , 词组没有单独列出。7. 自选模块:报考一类考生,需参加自选模块考试。英语有两模块,即自选综合中的“ 05 题”、“ 06” 题。△ 阅读理解和书面表达没有变化。 1 、单项选择题:情景对话 2冠词 1非谓语动词 2 (作状语 / 做定语)强调句 1时态 2从句 3 (定语从句 / 同位语从句 / 状语从句,都为连 接词的考查)虚拟语气 1 (recommend 接宾语从句 )单词、词组辨析 8 ,占 40% 。 3 . ____ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai. A. To be tired B. Tired C. Tiring D. Being tired7 . There is a great deal of evidence ____ that music activities engage different parts of the brain. A. indicate B. indicating C. to indicate D. to be indicating非谓语动词 2 5 . The incomes of skilled workers went up. ____, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise( 连接副词 )6 . The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ______ to the digital resources of the library. A. access B. passage C. way D. approach(名词)词义辨析 8 10 . It took ______ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains, too. A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than (词组)11 . The good thing about...