意义一致的原则 意义一致的原则 (一)谓语动词为单数的情况 (一)谓语动词为单数的情况 1.由 and 连接的并列成分指的是同一概念, 兼具身份或匹配出现。 The worker and writer is from Wuhan. ( 那个工人兼作家… ) ( 比较: The worker and the writer are from Beijing. 那位工人和那位作家 ) Bread and butter is a daily food in the West. • 2. 1) Every … and (every)… • 2) each …and (each… 3)no …and (no)…, • 4) many a …and (many a)… 连接两个单数名词作主语 , 谓语用单数。 • Every desk and every chair is made of wood. • Many a boy and girl has made the same • mistake. • 3. one/every one /each/either/ the number+of +复数名词作主语, • Each of the students has a book. 谓语用单数。4. clothing, furniture, traffic, jewellery, baggage, equipment, luggage 等无生命的集合 名词作主语。 Clothing is badly needed in this flooded area. 5. 以 s 结尾的词,但表示学科、国家、机构、 书籍、报刊等名称作主语。 6. 表示时间、距离、金钱、等复数名词作主语, 表达一个整体概念时。 Twenty years has passed since he left his hometown. • 7. 由 any-,some-,no- 和 -one,-thing,-body 等所构成• 的不定代词作主语。 • 8. 非谓语动词、名词性从句作主语。• Collecting stamps is what he likes. • Whatever was left was taken away. • 9. 单数名词、抽象名词、物质名词作主语。 (二)谓语动词为复数的情况 (二)谓语动词为复数的情况 1.由 and 连接的两个并列成分表示两个不同 的概念。 Both bread and butter are sold out. 2. people , police, cattle 等有生命的集体名词 作主语。 The police are looking for the missing child. 3. goods, stairs, arms 等名词作主语。 • 4. 由山脉、群岛、瀑布、运动会等 s 结尾的专有名词作主语。 • The Olympic Games are held once every four years. • 5. a number of /quantities of /a group of + 名词作主语。 (三)谓语动词单、复数视情况而定 (三)谓语动词单、复数视情况而定 1. 集 体...