Jiedong NO.2 Middle School ----made by Jenny from Unit 4Body language What is body language?What is body language?Body language is one form of nonverbalcommunication without _____________. Eye contact ( 眼神交流) or ___________, _________, and__________, or the ways you stand, are different kinds of body language.saying wordssaying wordsfacialfacial expressions expressionsgesturesgesturesposturesposturesGood!Thumbs upBad!Thumbs downComehere!Moving his hand up and downGood luck!Keeping his fingers crossedMe?Putting the fingers on the chestI don’t know!Shrugging his shouldersOk /money/zero/ rudeSome body language is similar in most countries.As one coin has two sidesSome body language is in different countries.differentI am full.In ChinaIn AmericaTo be shyIn ChinaIn AmericaWhat do people in different countries usually do when meeting?Japan:China, Britain: bowshake handsSome western countries:Russia, France, Arab: hugkissReadingReadingCommunication: No problem? Fast reading Task 1Skimming(1 min)Skimming(1 min)How many international students are How many international students are there in the story?there in the story?Who are the people mentioned in the Who are the people mentioned in the passage and where are they from?passage and where are they from?Skim the text and answer the following questions.Six 1.Who are the people mentioned in the passage?1.Who are the people mentioned in the passage?2.Where are they from?2.Where are they from? peoplepeople countrycountry ChinaChinaTony GarciaTony GarciaColumbiaColumbiaJulia SmithJulia SmithBritainBritainAkira NagataAkira NagataJapanJapanGeorge CookGeorge CookCanadaCanadaAhmed AzizAhmed AzizJordanJordan Darlene CoulonDarlene CoulonFranceFranceanother student and Ianother student and ITony Tony GarciGarciaaTon...