
高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good Welcome to the unit课件 牛津译林版必修1 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good Welcome to the unit课件 牛津译林版必修1 课件高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good Welcome to the unit课件 牛津译林版必修1 课件高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good Welcome to the unit课件 牛津译林版必修1 课件高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good Welcome to the unit课件 牛津译林版必修1 课件高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good Welcome to the unit课件 牛津译林版必修1 课件
Unit 3Looking good, feeling good Are they good-looking?Why or why not?Why or why not? Are they good-looking?Why or why not? Are they good-looking?Everyone wants to be healthy and attractive.Everyone wants to feel good and look good.Now there are four pictures representing four different people’s states of mind. Can you imagine a situation that fits each picture?Can we change our looks by wearing different clothes? Why?Which do you think is more important, eating well or doing exercises? Why?delicious foodfruitsdo exercisesEating well Make ourselves energeticKeep us in good conditionGet doctors awayKeep a nice figure Benefits: Doing exerciseBenefits: Build a strong bodyKeep your body at a proper weightGive you a good moodSteel your will power and physical strengthWhat others can we do to keep ourselves looking good and feeling good?Good mannersHelpfulPositive What do you do to keep yourself looking good and feeling good?Looking goodfeeing goodconfidenthealthyphysicallybeautifulclothesexerciseregularlyhealthydietpolitepositiveenoughsleepHow to keep healthy?How to keep healthy?Don’t eat junk food.Try and eat a healthy diet.Have good eating habits.Go to bed early and get up early.Make sure that you get enough sleep.Get regular exercise.Go to see the doctor if you’re not feeling well.Don’t spend too much time using computers or watching TV.How to keep healthy?1. Don’t eat junk food. Try and eat a healthy diet. Have good eating habits.2. Go to bed early and get up early. Make sure that you get enough sleep.3. Get regular exercise. Go to see the doctor if you’re not feeling well.4. Don’t spend too much time using computers or watching TV.1. Find more information about how to keep fit.2. Write a passage about “health and beauty” or “healthy eating and exercise”.Homework

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