Unit 2 The universal language 基础落实Ⅰ. 高频单词思忆1.marriage n. → v.→ adj.已 婚的2.terrify vt. → adj. 令人 恐怖的→ adj. 感到恐怖的→ n. 恐怖3.direct vt.&vi. → n. 导演 → n. 方向 ; 指导婚姻marrymarried使感到恐怖terrifyingterrifiedterror指导 ; 指引directordirection 4.unemployment n. → n.( 反义 词 )→ v. 雇用→ n. 雇员 → n. 雇主5.mixture n. → v.→ adj. 混合的6.fame n. → adj.7.fluent adj. → adv.→ n.8.hire vt. → vt.( 反义词 )失业employmentemployemployeeemployer混合物mixmixed名声 ; 名誉famous流利的fluentlyfluency雇用fire Ⅱ. 重点词语再现1. 对……实施控制2. 发财 , 赚钱3. 申请奖学金 / 护照 4. 用花装饰 / 修饰房间5. 爱上某人6. 粗略地看一下7. 被……代替exercise control overmake a fortuneapply for a scholarship/visadecorate the room withflowersfall in love with sb.take a brief look atbe replaced by/with 8. 目击一起交通事故 9. 呈现新面貌10. 被判处死刑11. 在……中起重要作用 12. 旨在…… 13. 结果是 , 原来是witness a trafficaccidenttake on a new lookbe condemned/sentenced todeathplay an importantrole/part inbe intended to do sth./beintended forturn out (to be)... Ⅲ. 典型句式运用1. 想想在紫禁城里上演这部戏剧吧——不可能有 比这更好的场景了! Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden City—there could not be a setting!2. 然后 , 卡拉夫大声地说出了自己的名字 , 把自己 的未来托付给图兰朵。 Then Calaf says his own name aloud, his future in Turandot’s hands.betterleaving 3. 该唱片包括了当时在流行音乐排行榜上排名第 一位的歌曲《寂静之声》。 The album included the song “The Sound of Silence”, was a number one on the pop charts.4. 今天他们仍有着全球性的吸引力 , 即使他们于 1970 年解散了。 They continue to have almost universal appeal today, they broke up in 1970.whichhiteven though Ⅳ. 综合语篇填空1.The performance left me breathless excitement.2.I ...