I once read a scene in a novel: In a prison, the prison guard was cruel to the convicts and didn’t distribute enough food to them. Due to starvation, one of them intended to escape from the prison.He had been arrested many times and therefore he accumulated a huge amount of experience.He lied to the prison guard and then hit him on the head.After that, he attained the keys and succeeded in escaping.The incident was brought to the attention of the government and the police began to chase him.It wasn’t long before the police accomplished the hard task and he was cast into prison again.I think he must be on trial. 我曾经在一部小说中读到这样一个场景:在一所监狱,看守对待囚犯很冷酷,甚至不分给他们足够的食物。由于饥饿,其中的一名囚犯打算从监狱中逃跑。他之前多次被捕,因此积累了大量的经验。他对看守撒谎,然后击中其头部。之后他获得钥匙成功地逃跑了。这起事件引起了政府的关注,警察开始追捕他。很快警察就完成了这项艰巨的任务,他又一次被投进监狱。我认为他一定会受审判。