SIGHTSEEINGTRIPADVENTUREHOLIDAYLive in a hotel?A place of interest full of people?A trip full of danger, excitement, and challenge?√ Adventure holidays! Let`s go!desertwhite-water rafting walking in the rainforestmountain climbing Do we need to take anything for our travel?Or nothing?Are you really prepared for your adventure holiday? Hi ,wait! Have you finished your packing? I need to take a tent to sleep in and a sleeping bag to keep warm. I need a lifejacket for white-water rafting because thewater may be very dangerous.I need to take a pan so I can cook my food. I mustremember to take some chocolate too.I need to take a parka and boots for trekkingin the mountains, and I mustn`t forget to takeextra clothes to keep warm in the mountains.I think all these things should keep me warm and safe. Now,where is my chocolate?5Big things? 6 Small things MP3Digital camera Hi Colin,I`m glad to hear that you are going to have so many adventures in Africa. You must be very excited!You will need strong (1) _______because you are going to walk a lot.A(2)_____is also necessary in case the weather is bad on Mount Kilimanjaro.Take a (3)_____as well,because you will get wet when you go white-water rafting. Equipment is also very important,I`m sure you will take your(4) _________and (5)________________for camping in the desert, but don`t forget small things, such as (6)________________ –you may need to make a fire.Also take a map of all the places you will visit and a (7)________ so you don`t lose your way. A(8)________ and some(9)________ are also good to have when it gets dark.Of course,you will take some food,and you will probably find water.Take care though,as you will need to take your(10) ___________...