Unit 2 Poems教材背景链接除了课本上提到的简单诗、五行诗等 ,我们一起来看其他几种诗歌形式吧 .April is National Poetry Month in America.It is time to celebrate poetry.Poetry is a type of writing that lets people express,or show their emotions.Some poems rhyme,and some do not.This month,everyone can take part in the fun.Many people will go to poetry readings to hear poets read their work.Kids will read and write poems in school too. In this text,you will learn about three types of poems. An acrostic poem In an acrostic poem,each line describes a topic word.Each letter of the word starts a new line.This poem about spring uses the letters in the word spring to begin each line. Spring Sunny days are coming. Pretty birds chirp early in the morning. Rain falls from the sky. Insects buzz and crawl. New baby animals take their first steps. Green grass grows,and flowers bloom! A two line poem A couplet is a poem that has only two lines.The last words in each line rhyme. Spring blossoms when rain comes down in drippity drops, Umbrellas go up with poppity pops. A four line poem A quatrain is a poem that has four lines.The last words in the second and fourth lines must rhyme. Sunflower Leaves of green, Pefals so bright, It grows quite fall. A beautiful sight! Help: acrostic 离合诗(数行诗句中的第一个词的首字母或最后一个词的尾字母或其它特定处的字母能组合成词或词组等的一种诗体) couplet 对句(指两行尾韵相谐的诗句) quatrain 四行诗(通常隔句押韵) 新课导入新课导入诗歌是文学宝库中的瑰宝,是语言的精华,是智慧的结晶,是思想的花朵,是人性之美的灵光,是人类最纯粹的精神家园。古今中外的诗人们,以其生花的妙笔写下了无数优美的诗歌,经过时间的磨砺,这些诗歌已成为超越民族、超越国别、超越时空的不朽经典,叩击着一代又一代人的心灵,给人们以思想上和艺术上的双重享受和熏陶。