Module 2 Traffic JamWhat’s happening?What’s happening?• Work in pairs to answer the questions and share your answers with your partner:Introduction-11. Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam?2. Where were you going?3. How long were you in the jam?4. What did you do then?5. If you haven’t met a traffic jam, can you imagine what will happen in it?Module 2 Traffic JamCompleting a poster giving advice to visitors to your city / hometownSay which means of transport you can use to get around your town.Introduction-2tricycleSay which means of transport you can use to get around your town.Introduction-2Say which means of transport you can use to get around your town.Introduction-2undergroundSay which means of transport you can use to get around your town.Introduction-2trolleybusSay which means of transport you can use to get around your town.Introduction-1helicopterIntroduction-3bike boat bus coach helicopter motorbiketaxi trolleybus truck underground1. It’s a bus used for long distances.2. It’s got two wheels and it’s fast.coachmotorbike3. This bus is connected to electric wires.4. You must pay to use this car.5. This is a suburban railway. It’s usually under the city.6. it’s slow, cheap and has two wheels.trolleybustaxiundergroundbikeIntroduction-2Use ticks to complete the chart:I travel byEvery daysometimesoftenneverBy land:By water:By air:What can we use when traveling by….?Bike ,train ,bus ,taxi, car, coach, motorbike, tricycle, trolleybus, undergroundBoat, shipHelicopter , plane Introduction-3Use ticks to complete the chart:I travel byEvery daysometimesoftenneverbikebus motorbiketaxitrolleybusunderground (train) Homework: 1.Recite the new words2.Preview the reading part - read the text