
高中英语 Learning efficiently-Learning about language课件 新人教选修10 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语 Learning efficiently-Learning about language课件 新人教选修10 课件高中英语 Learning efficiently-Learning about language课件 新人教选修10 课件高中英语 Learning efficiently-Learning about language课件 新人教选修10 课件高中英语 Learning efficiently-Learning about language课件 新人教选修10 课件高中英语 Learning efficiently-Learning about language课件 新人教选修10 课件
课标人教实验版 高三 Module 10Unit 4 Learning about LanguageDiscovering useful words and expressions 1. Choose the correct words to complete the passage.centigrade competent allocate booklet recipe in detail slow down frequent consult caption 1. Sally was so excited that Mary couldn’t understand what she was saying. Mary told her to __________ and tell her again. Then sally told her she had been _________ an apartment close to the university. slow downallocated Mary congratulated her and said she knew those apartments well because her best friend lived there and she was a ________ visitor. She told Mary about them ________ and Sally became even more excited about living there.frequentin detail 2. I consider myself a __________ cook so I usually don’t _________ a recipe book. I just remember what I did last time. One day my daughter brought home from school a small _______ with easy recipescompetentconsultbooklet in it and asked me to help her cook something. There were pictures of each step in the recipe with ________ underneath to tell you what to do, so I let her follow the ______ on her own. captionsrecipe When she had finished, she proudly put her cake into the oven to cook. About ten minutes later we smelt burning. I opened the oven to find may daughter’s cake on fire, and it was all my fault. I had heated the oven to 250o _________ instead of 150o!centigrade 2. Practice working out the meaning of words using the context. Read the sentences and work out the meaning of the words printed in bold. 1). Bob was very poor and his clothes were shabby because he had had them a long time. looking old and worn out,not in good conditionshabby 2).It rained all morning, then the sun ...

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