Unit 18 Beauty 单词注释导读诱思什么是美 ? 这是一个仁者见仁、智者见智的话题 , 但是不可否认 , 诚实是心灵美的表现形式之一。 单词注释导读诱思I entered the hotel manager’s office and sat down.I had just lost $50 and I felt very upset.“I left the money in my room,”I said,“and it’s not there now.” The manager was sympathetic1,but he could do nothing.“Everyone has been losing money these days,” he said.He started to complain about this wicked2 world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk.It contained $50.“I found this outside this gentleman’s room,”she said.“Well,”I said to the manager,“there is still some honesty in this world!”单词注释导读诱思1.sympathetic /sImpə̍�etIk/ adj. 有同情心的2.wicked /�wIkId/ adj. 缺德的 , 邪恶的单词注释导读诱思What actually happened to the writer’s money?(no more than 10 words)答案 :He might have left his money outside his room.Warm-up & Lesson 1 What Is Beauty? 一二三四五六一、释义搭配1.slim A.the part of your mind that tells you what is right2.rangeB.based on your own ideas rather than the facts3.conscience C.thin,in a way that is attractive4.commandD.a variety of things5.dimension E.an order given to a person or an animal6.subjective F.an aspect答案 :1—C 2—D 3—A 4—E 5—F 6—B一二三四五六二、完成构词1.consist→(adj.) 一致的 , 始终如一的 2.taste→(adj.) 没有味道的 3.subject→(adj.) 主观的 4.commit→(n.) 责任 , 义务 , 承诺 5.wool→(adj.) 羊毛制的 consistent tasteless subjective commitment woollen 一二三四五六三、英汉互译1. 令人屏息的 2. superior 3. 垂直的 , 竖的 4. adore 5. 向一边 , 向一侧 6. 为……做准备 7. 完全消失 , 灭绝 8.one in ten 9.lose one’s sight 10. 爱上某人breathles 高级的 , 上等的 vertical 敬爱 , 非常喜欢 sideways in pre...