Lesson 3Message of the LandDetailed analysis: Paras. 4-7 What are the changes that have taken place in the village in recent years? What are the significances of “pigs”, “water buffaloes” and “jeans” to the woman and the young people? How does the woman present the changes in her speech? What is the woman’s philosophy of life? Changes in the villages in EsarnIn the Past NowWay people buy thingsSocial relationship among villagersThings used by the villagers Views on fashionAttitudes towards monks, templesRelationship between parents and kidsbarter for thingscashneighbors help to build houses, reap price or dig wellpay money for itfine bamboo pieces, village craftsplastic things, plastic bagsnever went to hairdresser, painted lips or nailssell pigs and water buffalo to buy a pair of jeansoffer food to the monks and go to temple regularlyleave these things to old peoplecondemned ungrateful son, and give him a good beatingshout and scream at his motherWords & Expressionsbarterreplacespring upfashionablestriketend tocondemnas foroccur tobarter•I had to barter with the locals for food. •In the local market, meat and vegetables are bartered for electrical goods.•The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for their freedom.v. to exchange (goods, property, etc.) for other goods, etc. without using moneyreplace•Lectures have replaced the old tutorial system.•Can anything replace a mother’s love?•I’ll replace the vase I broke as soon as possible.•He replaced the book on the shelf.v. a. to take the place of b. to get a new one for sth. broken or stolen c. to put back in its placeSpring up•New houses were springing up all over the town.•Dozens of websites have sprung up to provide inf...