
高中英语 Unit1Nothing ventured,nothing gained-Reading task课件 新人教选修10 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语 Unit1Nothing ventured,nothing gained-Reading task课件 新人教选修10 课件高中英语 Unit1Nothing ventured,nothing gained-Reading task课件 新人教选修10 课件高中英语 Unit1Nothing ventured,nothing gained-Reading task课件 新人教选修10 课件高中英语 Unit1Nothing ventured,nothing gained-Reading task课件 新人教选修10 课件高中英语 Unit1Nothing ventured,nothing gained-Reading task课件 新人教选修10 课件
Reading task and writing Workbook P55A Good Master Remembered Ludwig van Beethoven, a major composer of the nineteenth century, overcame many personal problems to achieve artistic greatness. Read the passage and discuss the questions:1 In what ways does the servant admire Beethoven? He admires his persistence in composing and the way be included his feelings about his deafness into his music. 2 Give two examples of how Beethoven's deafness affected him. Beethoven's deafness affected him personally because he had to stop being a concert pianist and concentrate on composing music. It affected him musically because he was able to use his emotions in his music and write even greater music. 3 What might Beethoven have done if he had net gone deaf?If he had not gone deaf, Beethoven would still have been famous as a great pianist.4 What would you concentrate on if you were to go deaf? 5 Many people were frightened when they first met Beethoven. Why? His moods were changeable and could grow wild and angry. He sometimes appeared like a wild man. In addition he was often so involved in his music that he forgot to brush his hair or wear appropriate clothes. Listening Task on P56 1 Read these phrases before listening to the tape for the first time. Tick them if you hear them mentioned. ___Fifth Symphony, First Movement ___"Choral" Symphony___Ninth Symphony ___"Pastoral" Symphony ___"Fate" Symphony___Sunlight Sonata ___Moonlight Sonata ___Fifth Symphony, Third Movement第五交响曲 第九交响曲 “ 命运”交响曲 月光奏鸣曲 “ 田园”交响曲 “ 圣诞”交响曲 2 Listen a second time and fill in the chart.Symphony numberNickname What it is about"Fate" SymphonyNo 5His attitude to his problem of deafness "Pastoral" Symphony"C...

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