Canadian National Anthem O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Are you familiar with Canada?Warming UpWhat is on Canada’s national flag?呈横长方形,长与宽之比为 2 : 1. 旗面中间为白色正方形,内有一片 11 个角的红色枫树叶,两侧为两个相等的红色竖长方形。白色正方形代表加拿大辽阔的国土,加拿大很大面积的国土全年积雪期在 100 天以上,故用白色表示,两个红色竖长方形分别代表太平洋和大西洋,因为加拿大西濒太平洋,东临大西洋,枫叶代表全体加拿大人民,加拿大素有“枫叶之国”的美誉,枫树是该国的国树,枫树加拿大民族的象征。What language ( s ) do Canadians speak?A. EnglishB. English and GermanC. English and FrenchD. English and Spanish答案 : DWhat is the capital of Canada?A. VancouverB. TorontoC. CalgaryD. Ottawa 答案: D/væn´ku:və/ 温哥华 /´kælgəri/ 卡尔加里What is the national animal of Canada?A. BeaverB. Grizzly bearC. Polar bear D. Penguin答案: A/´bi:və/ 海狸 /´grizli/ n( 北美洲的)灰熊 adj 灰色的;有灰斑的/‘pəulə/ adj 北极地的 What is the Canadian leader called?A. President B. Prime MinisterC. GovernorD. King答案: BHow many Great Lakes are there in Canada?A. 4 B. 3C. 5D. 6答案 : A Lake Superior 苏必利尔湖Lake Huron 休伦湖 Lake Erie 伊利湖 Lake Ontario 安大略湖except Lake Michigan密歇根湖Pre-reading1. Look at the map of Canada and discuss the following question in pairs: if you take a trip to Canada, what do you think you might see there?2. What three words would you use to describe Canada?A TRIP ON “ THE TRUE NORTH”What is “The True North” in the title?1. ...