
高中英语:Book2 U3 Reading课件牛津版必修2 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语:Book2 U3 Reading课件牛津版必修2 课件高中英语:Book2 U3 Reading课件牛津版必修2 课件高中英语:Book2 U3 Reading课件牛津版必修2 课件高中英语:Book2 U3 Reading课件牛津版必修2 课件高中英语:Book2 U3 Reading课件牛津版必修2 课件
UnitUnit33MummyMummyPyramids and SphinxCarter’s hobbiesCarter made some unexpected discoveriesCarter’s familyThings happened after discoveriesCarter’s school lifeWhat might be dealt with mainly in the following article?Prediction• Scan the text to get the main idea of each paragraph.Fast readingMatch the main idea with the correct paragraphs.• P1a.There’s a scientific reason why people died• after entering the tomb.• P2b.Carter didn’t go to school and later became• an explorer.• P3c.Lord Carnarvon died after Carter had opened• the tomb.• P4d.Carter discovered the tomb of King• Tutankhamun.• P5e.A short introduction of Carter’s life story.• P6f.The mystery of Tutankhamun’s tomb has never• been fully explained.• P7g.More people died after Carter’s discovery.• P8h.People keep wondering why so many people• died and have suggested all kinds of explanations.Howard Carter is a and he many amazing things. Read the first paragraph and then tell the general idea of the 1st paragraph.famousbraveadventurousamazing A general introduction of Howard CarterHoward Carterfamous explorerdiscoveredCareful readingListen to paragraghs2-3 and get more information about Carter and his discovery. Howard Carter (____________)1874 -Job:Education : Interest :Went to Egypt :Discoveries :Greatest discovery: Year of the discovery :Where : 1939 explorer (by the 1920s)didn’t go to school, was taught to draw by his fatherloved visiting new places1891many amazing thingsKing Tutankhamun’s tomb1922Valley of the Kings, EgyptThe tomb of King Tutankhamun Tutankhamungold coffin gold mask a gold box containing a gold box containing the king’s insidethe king’s inside black diamond ear rings ear rings bracelet bracelet slippers slippers Treasur...

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