
高中英语 Unit5 lesson2(Rhythm)Beijing Opera课件12 北师大版必修2 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语 Unit5 lesson2(Rhythm)Beijing Opera课件12 北师大版必修2 课件高中英语 Unit5 lesson2(Rhythm)Beijing Opera课件12 北师大版必修2 课件高中英语 Unit5 lesson2(Rhythm)Beijing Opera课件12 北师大版必修2 课件高中英语 Unit5 lesson2(Rhythm)Beijing Opera课件12 北师大版必修2 课件高中英语 Unit5 lesson2(Rhythm)Beijing Opera课件12 北师大版必修2 课件
• jj.swfLet’s enjoy a song about Beijing OperaDO YOU KNOW IT ? Peking opera of China is a national treasure witha history of 200 years. In the 55th year of theQing Dynasty(1790) ,the four big Huiban operaTroupes entered the capital and combined withKunqu opera, Yiyang opera, Hanju opera and Luantan in Beijing's thearetical circle of the time.Through a period of more than half a century ofcombination and integration of various kinds ofopera there evolved the present Peking opera,the biggest kind of opera in China. male roles with male roles with brightly painted brightly painted facefaceshengdanjingchoufemale rolesclown rolesmale rolesfour main roles in Beijing operaShe is on a horseCan you guess where the characters are?They are in a cityThe main instrument played in Beijing Opera — JinghuMei Lanfang----awell –known Beijing Opera mastersomething that covers one’s facemaskthe clothes worn in a play or filmcostumemovements of one’s body in a skilful wayacrobaticssomething with special valuetreasuremix two or more thingscombineUse the words to complete the sentences.Use the words to complete the sentences.1.1. This golden ring is a real________.This golden ring is a real________.2.2. My mother sewed my_________ for the My mother sewed my_________ for the school play.school play.3.3. I love watching __________ but it looks very I love watching __________ but it looks very difficult!difficult!4.4. The first step in making a cake is to ________ The first step in making a cake is to ________ the milk and butter.the milk and butter.5.5. The singer wore a ________ that was made The singer wore a ________ that was made of wood. of wood. treasurecostumeacrobaticscombinemaskDo you still remember the Do you st...

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