
高中英语Unit 19 Lesson 1 Language Learning warm up1课件北师大版选修7 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语Unit 19 Lesson 1 Language Learning warm up1课件北师大版选修7 课件高中英语Unit 19 Lesson 1 Language Learning warm up1课件北师大版选修7 课件高中英语Unit 19 Lesson 1 Language Learning warm up1课件北师大版选修7 课件高中英语Unit 19 Lesson 1 Language Learning warm up1课件北师大版选修7 课件
In this unit you will…Read magazine and newspaper articles.Talk about telecommunications and the future.Listen and learn how to use conversational cues and show sympathy in dialogues.Listen to dialogues. Use listening strategies to identify different English Accents.Write a formal letter.Study noun clauses. What communication tools you use and how life was different when there were no such tools. Communication tools Match the key words with the three majorkinds of communication.email, fax, text massage, computer document, DVD recording, satellite phone, WAP photo. Written communication Spoken communicationVisual communicationemail, fax, text massage, computer documentsatellite phoneDVD recording, WAP photo to encourage or congratulate each otherto say that something is well doneto greet or welcome peopleto show irritation, disagreement or nervousness Work in pairs naming countries that belong to the following groups. Finish the table. English as a first languageEnglish as a second languageEnglish as a foreign languageCanada, the USA, Britain, Ireland, Australia. New Zealand, South AfricaIndia, Kenya, Pakistan, Sri Lanka Zimbabwe, South Africa, Nigeria, Singapore, PhilippinesSweden, the Netherlands, Thailand Go through the nationalities. Listento the radio to identify the speakers’accents. • 1._________ 2._________• 3._________ 4._________• 5._________ 6._________AustraliaChineseNorth AmericaGermanBritishFrench Collect the different meanings of body language In different countries

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