
高中英语 Unit1 Lesson3(lifestyles)A Volunteer Teacher课件7 北师大版必修1 课件VIP专享VIP免费

高中英语 Unit1 Lesson3(lifestyles)A Volunteer Teacher课件7 北师大版必修1 课件高中英语 Unit1 Lesson3(lifestyles)A Volunteer Teacher课件7 北师大版必修1 课件高中英语 Unit1 Lesson3(lifestyles)A Volunteer Teacher课件7 北师大版必修1 课件
Boring BusyDangerousEasyLazyFreeExcitingInterestingActivePeacefulRelaxingstressfulA CEO A football playerA studentA teacherA principalA motherA farmerA pilotThe GodA coach potatoA workaholicA scientist1. Football player: Being famous isn't ______, you know. I travel a lot-I have ________ in different countries. But my job is exciting, very exciting! I love the matches, the people ________, know what I mean?2. Student: My dad says these are the best day of my life-but I'm ___________! You know, I've got lots of work to do and there's not much time really. I also play football for the school team and we have to do ________ three nights a week.3. Shepherd: I love the animal and I love nature. It's _______, and there's no one to tell me what to do. But it's not so good when the _________'s bad!4. Business manager: I'm very ________, and I don't have time to see my husband and children. Mmmm and my life is very __________, I suppose. I mean, I have to deal with lots of money. But I find it really ________.Audioeasymatchescheeringnot so suretrainingpeacefulweatherbusystressfulexciting* Sports programmes * the news * TV series * cartoons * game shows * films * talk shows * music programmesA couch potato is a person who likes watching TV…A coach potato is a person who …Junk foodpopcorn Couch potato is an expression used to describe someone who sits in front of the TV all the time eating junk food, such as potato chips. It is only used to describe people, those who are lazy.Pair workA workaholic is someone who works all of the time and never takes time for anything else. A workaholic is someone who …Pair workQuestions:1. Find two examples of Brian’s lazy behaviour2. You’ve got the world at your feet??3. Why does Bob’s family complain?4. Why does Bob work so hard?Switch onSwitch offSwitch overGo offTake upFill withBring backComplain aboutPhrasal verbsI switch on the TV.I switch off the radio.I switch over and watch another play.The alarm clock goes off.Meetings take up most of the day.The day is filled with matters.I bring back files from the office.My family complains about it.Turn on Turn offChangeRing or explodeOccupyBe full ofCarry backSay that you are not satisfied. Discussion A coach potato and a workaholic The differenceWhich is better?Your favorite lifestylePresent simple:a) An activity that is repeated regularly.b) A present state a feeling or opinion.Eg. For lunch, I have biscuits and a glass of milk. I like the main news at six o’clock. I get home at about ten. I am happyPresent continuous:a) An activity happening now.b) A present activity that happens regularly but only during a short period of time.Eg. Brian is sitting on his sofa. Brian’s wife is working as a secretary. I’m thinking about my holiday now. I am enjoying the party. He is Tom Cruise.He is an actor.He…He is …She is…DiscussionMy parents’ lifestyleMy present lifestyleThe best lifestyle

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